Wednesday, January 29, 2014

NTSB Most Wanted

The NTSB has identified the role of hazardous weather in general aviation accidents and characteristics of helicopter operations as items worthy of their "most wanted" list of safety improvements this year. The role of hazardous weather has played a significant role in a large portion of general aviation accidents of late, especially in IMC. This can be the result of either an absence of the data required to make an informed decision concerning if and where to fly the aircraft or a misinterpretation of the data received.

These issues seem to be quite problematic in the aviation field. Considering that the NTSB is responsible for all forms of transportation, not just aviation, I feel that they have chosen good aviation issues to focus on this year. Arguments could be made that other issues might be more pressing in the aviation industry, but when you consider that in 2011 alone there were 1,466 weather related general aviation accidents one cannot deny that general aviation needs some specific attention. The effects of hazardous weather on general aviation can be, and are frequently, catastrophic, which makes weather a good focus for improving the safety of general aviation.

The most wanted list will undoubtedly create employment opportunities in the aviation field. From improving the weather services for general aviation to management teams spearheading plans to reduce distractions caused by personal electronic devices, a wide variety of job opportunities for aviation management professionals will be created.

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